Sugar Hibiscus & Plumeria
Sugar Hibiscus & Plumeria
You will learn to make:
Detailed elements of a Hibiscus & Plumeria (flowers, buds and bracts) Flowers using Gumpaste.
Detailed elements of a Hibiscus & Plumeria (flowers, buds and bracts) Flowers using Gumpaste.
Working with Gumpaste
Colouring Techniques
Troubleshooting guide
- 1 full HD video lessons
- Access Anytime, Any Place, Any pace from any device!
- Learn cake baking/ decorating aspects from professionals with years of experience from the comfort of your home/workplace.
- Gain Knowledge and Confidence to work on the techniques
- Information packed courses for techniques.
- Detailed explanation for all techniques in the video.
- Notes & Recipes included.
- After class support from the instructor via whatsapp/ email